Living can be tough and stressful especially to adults. We are on run trying to meet ends. There are times we caught on guard when things never go out our way or as we planned yet we still need to live, however, with an alarming rate of people committing suicide and falls to desperate state that often leads to depression, indeed, this is not as easy to do. Want to know how to have a happy life?
1. Put God First
First on our list is to put God above everything. Some would demand that you should make this and that your priority so to have a happy life, but this is wrong. To have a brighter life, your spiritual aspect should be in tune with your mind and body. Having full confidence that God will never let you in the battle alone, is where faith works. When storms constantly raging on your life tossing you like no tomorrow, you still have to trust Him that everything is for your own good and someday you will understand why you have to undergo your situation now, or why you suffer this much.
2. Be Grateful And Celebrate
Over Small Win
You do not have to have a big win in the battle for you to be happy. Think that today you still breathing is already a great gift. Have you ever think about how many dying patients in the hospital are craving for a day to continue living? They buy medicine to sustain life, a life that probably is not so great since nothing in living in this world can make you feel satisfied. You have to stay positive on everything because there are still more unfortunate people than you on the other part of the world, you do not have to focus on the despair and loss.
3. Make Time For Everything
If you are spending all your time at work, this would eventually imbalance your life. Your work might be important to get money and pay bills but so is having fun and mingling with others. So, from now, make time to have a simple activity that interacts other. Make sure you are still having time to do your daily exercise or to go to the beach for unwinding.
4. Give Leeway For The Wrong Deeds
No person wanted to hurt others or do bad things. Sometimes, it is the situation that they are into that makes them do the wrong. On your part, you must always come with a clean slate of heart and mind that you will not allow hatred to build a nest on your head nor on your heart. You do not have to be paranoid that those who did wrong will do wrong again, simply because it is normal for us, people to commit a mistake. Hate the mistake, but never a person.
5. Keep On Budget
We are living in a life where supplies constantly running out of stock. No matter how well-off your family is, there still be a time you will find the imbalance of your funds. Be mindful even the small expenses you make as this could take a long way if you will save it for an important venture in the future. Do not spend on things that are not needed or just luxury if you are struggling just to show off. Your friends nor your family will not be always there to shield you or catch you at hard times so you keep some for yourself for future projects or expenses.
6. Treat Yourself
I had a lot of elder folks that are so thrifty and always stick on a budget that I see them no longer living a life that they truly deserve. Sometimes, they forget to go to the salon just because they need to keep track of the budget and to be able to save more fund for the tuition of the kids. Some are not minding their health in the pursuit of some income, which is not also good. For some time, you also need to give a gift to yourself such as when you get your salary or get a promotion. Little things matter so that you will not harden in life.
7. Expect Less From Others
"Do what you can do as what is available for you," these words still up to now had rooted in my mind which my grandma first taught me. One should not expect from others and just do your thing. You may not get credit from your works, and sometimes, your idea might be stolen from you nevertheless, life is fair for being unfair for all. It is your responsibility to adjust and not to whim over others.
8. Stay Away From Toxic People
Toxic people will constantly give stress to your life. Sometimes, this could be your parents, spouse, or siblings. A lot of times, they could really get into our nerves and provoke us but it is wise enough that you keep your distance because negative energies can drain too much your enthusiasm for life.
9. Have A Pet
It feels nice coming home when you know that you are seeing again your pluffing and sweet dog; that after a long tiring work your pet will welcome you even if you had left it all alone at home. Pets have feelings and they too can comfort you.
We just listed a few tips on how you can live a happy life. If you think there are still needed to be added on the list, feel free to drop your contribution on the comments below.